Can You Tow A Car Blocking Your Driveway In Texas?

Living in a bustling neighborhood often means dealing with the annoyance of finding your driveway blocked by an unauthorized vehicle. As a Texas resident, it is crucial to understand the laws and regulations surrounding this issue to ensure you handle it appropriately. In this article, we will explore whether or not you have the right to tow a car blocking your driveway in the Lone Star State and shed light on the legal implications and potential consequences of this action. Stay informed and empowered as we navigate through this topic together.

Can You Tow A Car Blocking Your Driveway In Texas?

Understanding the Law

Overview of Texas laws regarding blocking driveways

In Texas, it is generally permissible to tow a car that is blocking your driveway. The law recognizes that property owners have the right to access and use their own driveway without obstruction. However, it is important to understand the specific laws and regulations that govern the process of towing a vehicle on private property in Texas.

Relevant statutes and regulations

The primary statute that governs the towing of vehicles on private property in Texas is the Texas Towing, Booting and Storage Act (TTBSA). Under this act, private property owners have the right to authorize the removal of unauthorized vehicles from their property. Additionally, the TTBSA sets out specific requirements and regulations that towing companies must adhere to when towing vehicles on private property.

Responsibilities of vehicle owners

As a vehicle owner, it is your responsibility to ensure that your vehicle is not blocking someone’s driveway. It is important to park your vehicle in a manner that does not obstruct access to driveways or impede the flow of traffic. Failure to do so may result in your vehicle being towed at your own expense.

Rights of property owners

As a property owner, you have the right to access and use your own driveway without obstruction. If someone parks their vehicle in a way that blocks your driveway, you have the right to have the vehicle towed. However, it is important to follow the proper procedures and comply with applicable laws and regulations when doing so.

Contacting Law Enforcement

Notifying local law enforcement

If you encounter a vehicle that is blocking your driveway, you may choose to contact local law enforcement to report the situation. While law enforcement officers may not physically tow the vehicle themselves, they can play an important role in resolving the issue by ensuring that the vehicle owner is aware of the violation and encouraging them to move their vehicle voluntarily.

Understanding their role in resolving the issue

Law enforcement officers have a duty to enforce traffic laws and regulations. While they may not have the authority to physically remove a vehicle from private property, they can provide guidance and assistance in dealing with the situation. They can also gather necessary information from the vehicle owner and provide you with documentation that may be required for towing the vehicle.

Providing necessary information to law enforcement

When contacting law enforcement about a vehicle blocking your driveway, it is important to provide them with accurate and detailed information. This includes the make, model, color, and license plate number of the vehicle, as well as the location and duration of the obstruction. This information will help law enforcement officers address the situation effectively.

Private Property Towing

Understanding private property towing laws in Texas

Private property towing laws in Texas are governed by the Texas Towing, Booting and Storage Act. This act outlines the rights and responsibilities of property owners and towing companies when it comes to removing vehicles from private property. It is important to familiarize yourself with these laws to ensure that you follow the proper procedures when towing a vehicle that is blocking your driveway.

Requirements for towing companies

In Texas, towing companies must be licensed and registered with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. They must also comply with specific requirements regarding signage, fee schedules, and record-keeping. It is important to verify that the towing company you choose to engage is properly licensed and follows all applicable regulations.

Signage requirements

To tow a vehicle from your private property, you must have the appropriate signage in place. According to Texas law, signs must be prominently displayed at all entrances to the property and clearly state that unauthorized vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense. The signage must also include the name and contact information of the towing company.

Process of towing a vehicle on private property

If a vehicle is blocking your driveway and you have properly displayed the required signage, you can contact a licensed towing company to remove the vehicle. The towing company will follow the procedures outlined in the Texas Towing, Booting and Storage Act to ensure compliance with the law. It is important to document the process and keep records of all correspondence and interactions related to the tow.

Exceptions and Limitations

Vehicles with valid parking permits or disabled placards

It is important to note that vehicles displaying valid parking permits or disabled placards are usually exempt from being towed, even if they are blocking your driveway. These vehicles are granted special parking privileges and must be allowed to park in designated spaces, even if it causes an obstruction. If you encounter such a situation, it is advisable to contact local law enforcement for guidance.

Emergency situations and exceptions

In emergency situations where there is an immediate threat to life or property, towing regulations may be temporarily suspended. For example, if a vehicle is blocking emergency access to a property, law enforcement or emergency personnel may have the authority to immediately remove the vehicle without following the usual towing procedures. However, it is important to exercise caution and use common sense when determining the severity of the situation.

Specific regulations in residential areas or multi-unit housing complexes

Certain residential areas or multi-unit housing complexes may have their own specific regulations regarding towing of vehicles. It is important to be aware of any additional restrictions or requirements that may apply to your property. These regulations may be enforced by the homeowner’s association or management company, and failure to comply with them may result in fines or other penalties.

Can You Tow A Car Blocking Your Driveway In Texas?

Requesting a Tow

Using a licensed towing company

When requesting a tow for a vehicle blocking your driveway, it is essential to use a licensed towing company. Licensed towing companies are required to follow the regulations set out in the Texas Towing, Booting and Storage Act, ensuring that the tow is conducted lawfully and in compliance with the proper procedures.

Contacting a tow truck service

To request a tow, you can contact a local tow truck service that operates in your area. It is important to provide them with accurate information about the location of the vehicle and the nature of the obstruction. The towing company will then dispatch a tow truck to your location to remove the vehicle.

Ensuring towing company compliance with regulations

Before engaging a towing company, it is advisable to verify that they are properly licensed and registered with the appropriate authorities. You can do this by checking their credentials with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. Additionally, you should ensure that the towing company follows all signage and notification requirements as outlined in the Texas Towing, Booting and Storage Act.

Potential Liability and Risks

Understanding potential liabilities for property owners

While towing a vehicle blocking your driveway is generally within your rights as a property owner, there may be potential liabilities associated with the process. It is important to exercise caution and follow all applicable laws and regulations to minimize your exposure to legal risks. By ensuring that you comply with the Texas Towing, Booting and Storage Act and engage a licensed towing company, you can help protect yourself from potential liability.

Risks and precautions to consider

When towing a vehicle, there are certain risks and precautions that should be taken into account. If not done properly, towing can lead to damage to vehicles or property, disputes with vehicle owners, or even legal action. To mitigate these risks, it is advised to document the entire towing process, including photographs of the blocked driveway, signage, and any damage to the vehicle or property. Additionally, maintaining clear communication with the towing company and notifying law enforcement when necessary can help minimize potential disputes.

Dealing with disputes and potential damages

In the event of a dispute or potential damages arising from the towing process, it is important to seek legal advice. Consulting with an attorney who specializes in towing laws can help you navigate the complexities of the situation and determine the best course of action. It may be possible to recover damages or resolve disputes through negotiation or legal remedies available to property owners.

Getting Legal Assistance

Seeking legal advice in towing disputes

If you find yourself involved in a towing dispute or facing legal issues related to towing on your property, it is advisable to seek legal assistance. A lawyer with expertise in towing laws can provide guidance and representation, ensuring that your rights as a property owner are protected. They can help you understand the specific laws and regulations applicable to your situation and advise you on the best course of action.

Legal remedies available for property owners

As a property owner, you have legal remedies available to you if your rights are violated or if you incur damages as a result of towing a vehicle blocking your driveway. These remedies may include filing a lawsuit to recover damages, seeking injunctive relief to prevent further violations, or pursuing other legal actions as deemed appropriate by your attorney. Understanding these legal remedies can help you make informed decisions in towing disputes.

Understanding your rights as a property owner

It is important to familiarize yourself with your rights as a property owner in Texas. Knowing the laws that govern towing on private property and understanding the steps you can take to protect your rights can help you assert your position confidently and effectively. Being aware of your rights and responsibilities can contribute to a smoother process when dealing with vehicles blocking your driveway.

Alternative Solutions

Mediation and negotiation with the vehicle owner

In some cases, it may be possible to resolve the issue of a vehicle blocking your driveway through mediation or negotiation with the vehicle owner. This could involve having a conversation with the owner to make them aware of the situation and request that they move their vehicle. Mediation services or community dispute resolution programs may also be available to help facilitate a resolution between conflicting parties.

Exploring other parking options for your vehicle

If you frequently encounter issues with vehicles blocking your driveway, it may be worth exploring alternative parking options for your own vehicle. This could include renting a parking space, utilizing a nearby parking lot, or seeking permission from a neighbor to temporarily park on their property. While these options may require additional effort or expense, they can help alleviate the frustration and inconvenience of dealing with blocked driveways.

Advising neighbors or local community organizations

In situations where vehicles frequently block driveways in your neighborhood or community, it may be beneficial to advise your neighbors or local community organizations about the issue. Raising awareness about the importance of responsible parking and sharing information about relevant laws and regulations can encourage a collective effort to prevent future occurrences. By working together, you can promote a more respectful and considerate parking culture in your community.

Reporting Repeat Offenders

Dealing with persistent blocking of driveways

If you repeatedly encounter the issue of vehicles blocking your driveway, it is important to address the situation promptly and effectively. Dealing with persistent offenders can be frustrating, but there are actions you can take to resolve the issue and prevent further obstructions. It may be necessary to involve law enforcement or local authorities to effectively address the problem.

Reporting repeat offenders to law enforcement

When dealing with repeat offenders who consistently block your driveway, it is advisable to report them to local law enforcement. Provide them with detailed information about the vehicles and the incidents, including any previous occurrences. Law enforcement can take appropriate action, such as issuing citations or warnings, to deter repeat offenders from continuing to block driveways.

Documenting incidents and providing evidence

To support your case against repeat offenders, it is crucial to document incidents and provide evidence whenever possible. This could include photographs or videos of the blocked driveway, timestamps, and any communication or correspondence with the vehicle owners or law enforcement. Maintaining a detailed record of each incident can strengthen your position and provide necessary evidence if legal action becomes necessary.


In Texas, property owners have the right to tow a vehicle blocking their driveway, provided they comply with the relevant laws and regulations. Understanding the laws and regulations surrounding private property towing, as well as the rights and responsibilities of both vehicle owners and property owners, is crucial for a smooth and lawful towing process. By familiarizing yourself with the process, seeking legal advice when necessary, and exploring alternative solutions, you can effectively address the issue of vehicles blocking your driveway and protect your rights as a property owner. Remember, proper communication, documentation, and compliance with the law are key in dealing with towing disputes and ensuring a resolution that is fair and lawful for all parties involved.


